The internet is a BIG place.

Let us help you bring it down to size.

1) Just sit down with a pencil and paper. Jot down what specific things you want to accomplish with your web site.
Some examples might be:
“Share my ideas, stories, opinions or experiences.”
“Offer my recordings, photographs or other digital creations for others to experience.”
“Sell my company’s products or offer its services.”

2) Ask yourself and then try to answer a few questions, including:
“How do I want my visitors to perceive me or my company?”
“What other web sites have I seen whose style (layout, colors, fonts, etc) and functions are appealing to me and might me help accomplish my goals?”
“What (hopefully short) domain name (“”, for example) might best suit my web site goals? One of the many places to check whether a particular domain is available for you to register is .

Text – Editable formats such as .docx, .txt, .pdf and emails normally work fine.
Images – The larger, the better. Formats can include .jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, .pdf.
Video – Formats acceptable by YouTube are usually the best, .mov, .mpeg4,
.mp4., .avi., .wmv., .flv., 3gpp.
Audio – .mp3, .wav, .flac

Once the site plan and project scope have been agreed to and the content is available to us, we can often have your site up and running within 48-72 hours.

Assuming you have content (text, images, etc), the main costs for a web site are:
Domain registration / paid annually to registrar company (approx. $10-15 per domain)
Hosting / paid annually to hosting company (approx. $100-$200)
Site design and construction / We offer pricing levels starting at $750 that depend on necessary content processing and/or creation, as well as the defined project scope. On-going site updating and revision services are also available.

Mail / Deliver
Little Mondo
4415 Newcastle Dr
Clarkston, MI 48348